Creative Direction. Design. Storytelling.

Hi! I’m Alex, but most people call me Alfro (a nickname that’s stuck thanks to my ever growing head of hair). I’m a British Art Director and Designer currently living in Brooklyn, NY.

Passionate about beautiful design and working with talented people; I love driving ideas forward and developing innovative, creative solutions for every client. Whether it’s for well-known brands, like KFC, or the ones you haven’t heard of yet, I lead every stage of the creative process, from concept right through to completion. Inspiring clients is a part of my role that I adore, I do this through storytelling; selling ideas and paint a picture of possibility. But I also take pride in motivating the creative team, guiding and mentoring them to progress and go on to do great things.

When I’m not behind a Mac, you’ll find me running, making sausage rolls or saying hi to every dog I see.